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Note to Parents and Guardians [.pdf]

Thank you for your support of Ahimsa House and the human and animal victims of domestic violence by purchasing this book. 


Our hope is that you will read these short stories with your children and grandchildren and have those heartfelt discussions about empathy, trust, care, love, and family. These are lessons that will serve them well throughout their lives and the lives of those they impact.


The stories are based on actual events. While the stories show the fun and quirky side of some of our foster pets, the link between domestic violence and violence against pets is serious. To many of us, pets are considered part of the family. Research shows that people’s bonds with their pets provide an important form of support, particularly in times of crisis. For either children or adults in an abusive situation, their pets may be their best friends and their primary way to cope. Leaving a pet behind to face abuse, or having to give up a pet to an animal shelter to face possible euthanasia, adds yet another trauma to what these families are already enduring.

Up to 71% of victims of domestic violence report that their abusers also threatened, harmed, or killed their family pets–an effective weapon to terrorize the family and keep them silent about the abuse in their home. Abusers often threaten to harm pets if the victim tries to leave. They also harm pets left behind as a way to retaliate or to coerce the victim into returning. Concern for a beloved animal’s welfare prevents or delays as many as 50% of battered individuals from escaping domestic abuse. Some escape but then attempt to return to a dangerous situation to reclaim pets left behind. Others escape with their pets but wind up living in their cars or on the streets because no one will take them in. 


This is an issue of both animal safety and human safety and Ahimsa House is here to RESCUE, REBUILD, and REUNITE victims of domestic violence with their beloved pet.


Visit to learn more about the services offered and how you can help victims of domestic/intimate partner violence and their pets reach safety together.


Ahimsa House

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